Earlier this summer/fall, we had a photo shoot to get some updated, professional quality photos for our website. It went really well and here are some of our favorites! A big thanks to Joseph Leute Photography for helping us out!
Houston, TX. I play anything with a ball but am not too good with a puck or skates. I love to ice fish during the winter. I have a wife and 3 kids and live in Portage, WI.
When did you start doing CrossFit? I started CrossFit 3 years ago and been off and on ever since. What is your favorite movement and/or benchmark workout? My favorite movement is the clean & jerk. What has been your biggest struggle? My biggest struggle has been my shoulder mobility. What has been your biggest improvement? My biggest improvement has been my snatch. What goals are you currently chasing? I'm currently chasing muscle ups. If you could design a workout, what would it be? Workout I would design would be an AMRAP of 5 HSPU (hand stand push ups), 10 push press, and 15 front squats for 11 minutes, because no one no one seems to program odd minute WODs. What is your favorite outfit to WOD in? My favorite outfit to WOD in is whatever I'm wearing at that time. How often do you talk about CrossFit? At least once a day! Burpees: Love ‘em or hate ‘em? I don't hate or love burpees. I respect them, because they deserve it. Do you have a favorite moment or story about the Coop? When I first met Michelle; she was scared of me. I helped her with 100 lunges in the street. I will never forget that. What advice would you give a new PCC member? Advice I would give is: give it your all and don't quit. Train your mind to push your body. If you believe you can, you can. Never say you can't, because one day you will. November is a month to give thanks... and we are thankful for our cooperative! November's newsletter is hot off the presses here! Click here to download the complete PDF: ![]()
January 2025
Portage CrossFit Coop
211 E. Albert Street Portage, WI 53901 P.O. Box 3 Phone: (608) 345-7109 [email protected] |