As we are well into our second year of operation, we are growing! And we have no one to thank for that but our amazing members! With more members, our classes have been regularly full and it is time to add class times! As of January 4th, 2016, (Happy New Year by the way!!!) we are adding a 6AM class on Mondays and Wednesdays as well as a 3:30PM class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Take note of our new schedule below and we hope to see you at The Coop!
Check out December's newsletter here! It's packed full of helpful information for the holidays including our affiliation with Reebok to help our box earn money, holiday WOD schedules, holiday (and year round) healthy eating tips, and more! Happy Holidays, fit family! Click on the photos below to enlarge or click here to download the complete PDF: ![]()
When did you start doing CrossFit?
I started CrossFit in October of this year. What is your favorite movement and/or benchmark workout? My favorite movement is the clean & jerk. What has been your biggest struggle? Flexibility and double unders are two of the hurdles I am trying to clear. What has been your biggest improvement? My biggest improvement is the depth of my squats. What goals are you currently chasing? I am currently trying to get deeper when snatching and improve my pull-ups. If you could design a workout, what would it be? If I designed a workout it would be with partner moves and no burpees. What is your favorite outfit to WOD in? Unfortunately my favorite workout pants match the bathroom floor, but I still love them! How often do you talk about CrossFit? I don't talk about CrossFit too much because no one seems to get it! Burpees: Love ‘em or hate ‘em? Burpees prove I am not flexible. Hate now, but working on it. Do you have a favorite moment or story about the Coop? My favorite part so far is the positive energy everyday. What advice would you give a new PCC member? My advice would be to be here for yourself; try to improve on your goals not meet someone else’s. |
January 2025
Portage CrossFit Coop
211 E. Albert Street Portage, WI 53901 P.O. Box 3 Phone: (608) 345-7109 [email protected] |